Sunday, 5 June 2016

The Freemasons

A lot has been written about the Freemasons (I deliberately put a link to the google search because that way there can be no instance of bias).  Some of it is positive and some of it has been negative. A lot has also been written about the Freemasons that is incorrect, bias, and in some cases outright lies. The thing is, in one respect, they are their own worst enemy because they are a secretive bunch. As a result, there are all sorts of things that they are accused of that are not true.  It also makes them very easy target for conspiracy.  

Why do I bring this up?  Because is is something that a lot of people have asked about.  There are people who think that the Freemasons have some sort of international conspiracy who rule the world.  Whether this is true or not is another matter; but don't you want to know what other people have dug up on this matter?

Back in the late 60’s, there was a massive thought amongst people who thought that the freemason were in the police. Is this still the case?  The Home Office has yet to answer this question.  The reason is because they need extra time. Fair enough, but this is an interesting question that we should keep an eye on, just for interests sake more than anything. When the The Association of Chief Police Officers of England, Wales and Northern Ireland was in existence, Someone asked about the guidance for freemasons in the police, which they did not have.  They have been replaced by the National Police Chiefs Council, would the same request give any more of a response? Only time will tell...

Do the Freemasons close ranks on people?  According to Paul Sainthouse, they do. Now looking through his FoI requests, he seems the type of guys that is trying to prove a point. Whether or not this is the case is another matter. We can see a few things from his FoI request.  In this one, Paul asks for who are the the members of the panel who are Freemasons.  It’s only refused because it would be revealing personal information AND is not recorded, which when you think about it, is actually common sense. My personnel records don't have which clubs I belong to and neither would I want them to be disclosed under an FoI request to all to see. (Have a look at this)

Now a look through his other requests shows this one.  This one is asking for correspondence between the police and Northumbria Healthcare.  They state they were willing to give the information he initially asked for but failed to pay the £10 fee. The reasons that I bring this up is purely because it shows that sometimes the conspiracy is nothing more than an illusion.

So what about government?  Brighton and Hove were asked the question about what they have done to help the Freemasons.  Turns out it was a much bigger request than anticipated.   So how about other requests?  Well this one shed a little light on the issue of freemasons. They stated that:

“Standards for England has issued guidance for elected Councillors in respect of membership of Freemason. Freemasons are not singled out by the Code. However the Code applies to membership of any body that is directed to charitable purposes. There is no requirement for employees to declare if they are Freemasons.”

They did disclose there are two members of the Freemasons with them, too.   Now this is a very brief overview of what people have asked. A search through the pile shows over 505 requests for Freemason.  So let's see how far down this rabbit hole goes...

1 comment:

  1. Freemasonry Northern Ireland is kindness in the home, honesty in business, courtesy in society, earnest in work, pity and concern for the unfortunate
