Out troops are some of the best in the world and they should be looked after with trust, love, and respect. The things that they have seen and done are mind blowing, and we should never forget that. So finding out how we treat them is a very important issue and it is something that we remember it. Veterans were given huge amount of vaccines, which in some respects have affected them adversely to the point where some of them suffer from something commonly known as “Gulf War Syndrome” (Here is the government response). As a result this post is about the investigations that have been done into what has caused this condition.
A brief look through the www.whatdotheyknow.com pile showed that people have been looking into this. A full list of vaccines has been asked for, but was considered too much work to get hold of. This is still under internal review, so it might be a case of this information get released. A slightly different request might give us some more light on this matter. Whilst the Ministry of Defence didn't hold the list of the Organophosphates that were used as part of the immunisation programme, they did provide the evidence of where they can be found. Another list of vaccines given to troops is found here (Ignore the refused thing, it's listed in the national archives. Check the attachment) It does strike me how much information is in the public domain on this one. I mean look at the attachment on this FoI request. Thats a lot of information.
There is a heck of a lot of information released on this. It does strike me that when the entire details of a study are released , how much information there is. This study, I haven't read, purely because it wouldn't open on my computer, but it shows that there are questions being answered. Here is a bank copy of the consent forms and where they are being kept, Here is a list of the Portadown records requests (or not). I don't quite understand the reason why the significance of manufacturer of the Pertussis Vaccine being notified of use in Gulf war is important, but the response on this is here. Here is the response from the Service Personnel and Veterans Agency.
So what about specifics of what was in the inoculations? What do we know was in these injections. We know for a fact that Aluminium Hydroxide wasn’t used in some vaccines but was used to protect from Anthrax. Nagalase wasn't used. Thimerosal was used
This is an emotive issue, and if you read the comments made on a lot of the different requests, you can see that there is a lot of mixed emotions. Have a look at this request and this request if you don't believe me. Here is the MoD response to crown immunity. Again, strong language.
There are a LOT of requests on this matter. I have only brought the main points that are the most interesting to this point. The question is, however, what else is being held? Is there anything else? What else can we find out on the matter. How else can we look at this matter.
Interesting stuff, eh?
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