Thursday, 2 June 2016

Community Psychiatric Nurses

Community Psychiatric Nurses (CSN) are amazing people.  These amazing people go into people's homes and help them to deal with their psychiatric issues.  They are a vital part of the mental health system and they help loads of people to move on from whatever was hurting them.  They are people who you have to have respect for.  The thing is that mental health issues are something that ALL of us will have to deal with, at some point in our lives. Why bring this up here, though?  Wouldn't it be interesting to see what the average caseload for these guys is?

There is a massive underspend in mental health and the weird thing is that we need to know more about it.  So let's find out if we can see more about the procession and how overworked they are.  So I asked all the health boards in Wales the following questions:

1) How many community psychiatric nurses you have working in your authority at time of writing
2) What is the average turnover of community psychiatric nurses in your authority from 01/01/15 to 01/01/16
3) What is the average caseload for community psychiatric nurses at time of writing.

So I did have a few mistakes in asking this one, such as asking Public Health Wales NHS Trust the same question to be told, very nicely, that this is not something that they look at…

So here are the results

Turnover (%)
Case Load
21 / 22
65+ - 29
18 / 64 - 25
18 / 64 - 16
65+ - 10

Now this gives us a deeper insight into the world of the CSN.  It shows that these guys have a lot of cases but also shows us a disparity between the amount of workers in this region.  Wales has had a lot of issues with regards to its health provision.  At least this gives us a signpost on what is going on there.  Maybe the next thing we should ask is about how much is spent by other groups to help the mental health of Wales.

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