Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Police and CCTV

A little while back I did a blog on how many CCTV cameras were in each council area.  It was probably one of the most interesting posts that I did because it showed that some councils have a lot more CCTV than other (Pembroke V Ceredigion).  The amount of money and the amount of camera was staggering. So the question remains, why do we have them in the first place?  Are they there for criminal matters or for something else?

Well, this is a head scratcher… Maybe the FoI will be able to help us on this matter?  So I asked all the police forces in Wales on how many times they had contacted a council for CCTV footage.  

Dyfed Powys Police, North Wales Police, and Gwent Police all said roughly the same thing (South Wales Police have yet to get back to me, at time of writing, but I assume they will say the same thing)in that it was too much work for them to do. Which is fine, but does give us a bit of an insight into the working of the police.  Think of how many cases that they have to deal with on a daily basis.  Think of how many of them have to have CCTV.  Think of how many cases that they would mean looking through.

This does not answer the question of why councils have CCTV cameras… Is it for personal protection or for something else?  Well, that is a request that I will have to request from each of the councils themselves.  A little look through the pile found this.  How many incidents have been captured by CCTV cameras.  It does show that they are useful for something. They do keep a record of what is being captured by them.  

Was I asking the wrong question?  Each

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