I love terminator. It is one of the most amazing films, and when you get down to it a very philosophical film too. The T800 (Arnie himself, for those not in the know), finally learning the value of human life and terminating himself in the final act of heroism to save humanity. Amazing. Lets not forget, though, what created The Terminator (technically a terminator, but who's counting). It was the Artificially intelligent machine called “Skynet” who decided that humanity was to be wiped out. Hmm…
Well, that got me wondering, what is the government doing regarding the use of artificial intelligence? Could skynet become a reality? Now, it doesn't help when Stephen Hawking says things like this. I get slightly worried about things like this and make me think if our local resilience forum (Check previous blogs on this one) has a plan to defend us against skynet..
Now anyone with half a brain cell knows that asking a public body “Have you got any plans to defend us against “skynet” is PROBABLY not going to be taken too seriously. So what do we instead? Well we go through other means instead.
So where to start? Let's start with the belloy of the beast. The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. They help develop skills and technology in the UK. Surely they would be able to give some guidance on what they do to increase the levels of artificial intelligence. Well at the time of writing, they haven't got back in touch with me. Surely skynet has go to them?
Well how about the Council for Science and Technology and asking them what guidelines they have for artificial intelligence? Surely they would be able to give me some ideas of what they are going to do regarding the danger of skynet? Turns out they don't have any guidance or funds for Artificial Intelligence. So at least the advance of skynet is held back by the British Contingent.
What about other areas? Who else would be interested in Artificial intelligence? How about the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory? They sound like PERFECT candidates for people who would set up Skynet! So, let’s ask them what they have done to bring about the destruction of humanity. Well it turns out that they have more of an interest in Skynet that we thought. Turns out that they have over 3000 files on this one, and on a variety of topics. Pretty neat, eh? SO how to narrow down the beast… Let's ask them about machine learning only. Well at time of writing, I have yet to hear back on that one.
So else would have an interest in artificial intelligence? Hmmm…. Defence Analytical Services Agency? Surely they would have something on the use of AI? Well so far they have sent me a peep. They are well over the 20 working days. Hmm Has Skynet got to them already? Well, and internal review of their FoI request procedure will clarify that one.
So who else could look at this issue? Well what about power companies? How about Nominet UK or Southern Electric? Well both of those are still pending and delayed? Is Skynet onto me? What about Midland Expressway Limited? They are not subjected to the FoI! What about National Rail? Well they asked for clarification on the matter, BUT STILL!!!
What about the Economic and Social Research Council? Most large trading companies use something called High Frequency Trading. This deal with huge amounts of data to find the best price for trading stock. Do they do anything about the studies of Artificial intelligence? NO! Maybe Skynet got to them as well…
So A did a bit more digging and asked the BBC about a project that they had called “Make it digital”. It basically help kids get into coding and into electrical stuff (Sorry if that is too technical).... I asked them how many kids have been interested in the scheme. You see this could have been the starting blocks for Skynet. Wouldn't it make sense to allow the BBC to start our own destruction (BBC is great by the way)? Well they stated that I should look here. Fair enough. So what about how many people took it up?
“To date, over 23 million people over the age of 4 have watched or listened to Make it Digital programmes, or interacted with its content online. Marketing has reached some 80% of the UK population.”
It’s a lot of people… Skynet has a lot of work going on!
Now let's be honest, this is all a bit silly, isn't it? The thought of skynet is probably not a reality. The thought is that something that is going to be important as Artificial Intelligence (if you do not believe me look at this. Look at this as well to see how artificial intelligence is affecting cooking). This is definitely something that we need to look at in more depth as we continue on this Path..
Hopefully in this blog I have shown you some of the different departments that are working for you. Hopefully I have made your imagination spark, and made you think a very simple question:
“How will Artificial intelligence affect me and what is the government doing about it?”
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