Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Consipracy Theories...

Conspiracy theories are amazing. They are an alternative way of looking at the situation and they have a certain way of asking questions that no one else is asking.  My opinion here of conspiracy theories is not something to be discussed here. What is, thought, is why the FoI has done to help develop, or demolish these theories.  I am going to look at a few here because I do think that they would benefit greatly from the various government departments releasing some information to the investigation.  

So a quick little search on “www.whatdotheyknow.com” for Conspiracy showed a smorgesboard of crazyness…  Have a look yourself. Operation Hedgerow?  This one (By a lady who has now had her account suspended, and many more.  So people have used FoI to help try and develop the theory.   The thing about conspiracy theories is not what you can prove, it is about what you cannot disprove.  That is where we have our problem. So the question now remains how can we prove a conspiracy using the FoI act?  Ages back I stated that the FoI is all about looking for files.  

I am only starting with the 11/9 conspiracy purely because it was the first one I looked at.  I will try and cover a wide variety.  So where to start?  A little look at 11/9 on What do they know showed that Jimmy3 had already been doing a bit.  He asked the Home Office, National Counter Terrorism Security Office, Cabinet Office, and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for “any information showing evidence that the Foreign Office were aware there was about to be an attack on the twin towers of the USA and of the pentagon in the USA before it happened back on 11th September 2001”.  Of which there was no answer.

So if we are looking for more files on this one, would a more broad net be able to help us?  Instead of asking for a narrow question (As above) how about asking something a little less specific?  Why not ask for all correspondence between one ministry department and another? So I did…  I asked roughly the same question to the Prime Minister’s Office, Metropolitan Police Service, Cabinet Office, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, which was:

Please could I have all correspondence made between (Insert Department here) and (Insert Department here).  

At time of writing, they have not yet got back in touch with the matter; which is fine as they are still in compliance on the time frames of the matter. So what else can we do on this matter?  The next are to investigate would be to go into the specific details (Which I will do in the coming weeks \ days \ month \ insert appropriate time frame here).  The thing that makes me think doing this is that we could probably find something that would involve ME in this conspiracy, and all I am is a burke with a love of puzzles and knowledge.  But then again, am I part of the conspiracy (No…  but I would say that wouldn't I!)

This bit was written a little bit after the last section. Some of the above FoI request have been looked at.  Some of them have been answered, with responses that I was not expecting.  These have not been acted upon not because they are part of the conspiracy, but because they are too broad.  If you look through the history of these request they are asking me to narrow it down to confined myself to the working limit of section 16 of the FoI act.  

So it makes me think, how else can we think about this issues of the conspiracy and what will we gather.

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