Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Da Vinci Robots

A little while back I found out about the Da Vinci Robots. They are surgical robots that are in the NHS which help with surgery. You can find out all the you need from the link above, but it is interesting stuff. The thing that it made me think is that how many other authorities have one.  There was a fairly big list of NHS trusts that have one and it would be wonderful to think that Wales would have some as well. So let's go ask them all!

I ask all Welsh NHS trust the same thing, which was:

1) Does your organisation have any Da Vinci Medical Robots? If so how many.
2) If not, are you planning to get any in the next five years. Please could I then have a copy of the report that was done into buying them.

This would cover all the bases, I thought. The reasons that I asked for the report was because it would be great to see what the Trusts are doing regarding this (Much as the G Cloud investigation that I did awhile back).  The answer I go back through was a little more… dull....

The more observant of you may notice that Newcastle is not in Wales.  The reasons that I asked them was because I wanted a reference point that was outside of Wales but of a similar economic position as us.

This was a little disappointing.  I was hoping from some of the bigger trust to say something regarding this, but most of them didn't even have the plans to get it.  Great eh?  However that is not the end of the story.  I would love to think that the reasons that they haven't got this is because they are using the money somewhere else, or that it is not worth getting it.  The issue with this is that I would have to ask for the reports of why the trusts who have them still have them and then asked the ones that dont why they don't. That’s a whole nuch of new requests, isn't it?

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