A little while back I was looking through the pile of requests and found something about human rights. Didn't think much of it and put it to one side. So a little look back through it showed a few more interesting points. First off, this one talks a little more about the direct human rights that have been discussed with the Mexican Government (Something which we will discuss in more details later) and what the UK government has done to aid it. Secondly, it shows a lot more about what the UK government is doing with regards to other nations.
Let’s unpick this, shall we? First off it looks that the UK government made a number of movements to get this investigated and looked into. I didn't know that the UK government would be able to get another country to do something like this. It looks as though the Mexican government made noises that they would do it too. This does make me think if the FCO has ever volunteered out police forces to train other nations police forces. Makes sense if you think about it.
The Uk government has also tried to help the Mexican government to improve its courts system too. This was through a project called Ciudadanos en Apoyo a los Derechos Humanos which helped them to improve the amount of convictions in one of the states in Mexico. Again another thing which is really cool. No only that but the human rights records regarding torture was discussed the House of Commons (Which can be found in Hansard here). Again another thing which is pretty cool. Did you know that? I didn't. So there we are then.
So why bring this up? HUman rights are something that you are born with. You do not earn them, you do not lose them, you are BORN with them and they are something that everyone should know about. I love the fact that the FCO has done so much with Mexico. The thing that makes me wonder is what exactly they did. AS stated above they made mention of A number of different things which I think needs further investigation. One of the things I would love to know is which countries the FCO has worked with to improve human rights and how much help has our government departments given to aid and assist other countries.
To that end I think that I am going to look into this a bit more. I want to know what our government does to help improve other humans rights. I want to know how we can help. I want to know if we are making the world a better place. Let's be honest, it is something that we think of all the time. I would love to be able to think that our government is actually working well in this area.
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