Saturday, 9 July 2016

Underground Structures

Britain has a number of structures that are underground. Whether they are for cold war use or for anything else, they are still pretty cool to think about. The thing is there is information about these structures out there and there is a lot of details about what they were for. This is where the FoI comes in. Because of this amazing piece of legislation, we can find out about these, previously, unknown structures. Now I have looked at this topic twice before (See here and here), but the ones that I am going to look at here are ones that have been discovered since.

In Greenwich there is an underground structure. Would you like all the plans and the maps of it? Here they are! Isn't it amazing that you can get this information from the Royal Parks? It goes to show you what you can get if you ask for it more than anything. A subterranean structure that we now have that information to look at whenever. There is also another request about the matter than was made earlier (You can find it here).

There is an abandoned bunker in Harty, in Sheppey . You can find out about the bunker from the website here. What was it used for, however? Well a quick FoI request to the Ministry of Defence showed that they had no details. The thing that is really cool is section 16 means that they HAVE to give help and give more information. So they provided this answer:

“I am advised that it was commonplace during times of conflict to construct defensive facilities with only a temporary agreement. Most land at these types of location was handed back after the cessation of hostilities and records were limited. I understand that the Isle of Sheppey was heavily fortified during WWI and WWII and it might be that the bunker was built in connection with this”

They also provided another link to have a look at! This is a similar thing to when someone asked about the Corsham / Burlington underground facility. The MoD showed a number of different websites to look at (Find out here, here and here)

Did you know that there were underground structures in Birmingham? There are… The first request that was asked on this matter is long overdue, however there was another request which was far more successful . It mainly talks about an old postal route under the city. Amazing that we can get this information, isn't it?

What about abandoned underground train stations? Well, I asked Transport for London for a list of these and was promptly shown to their website. Pretty neat, isn't it?

The thing that makes me laugh in this oI act WASN'T needed. Most of this stuff was available online for anyone to have a look at. That pretty cool, when you get down to it. The only thing that the FoI was used for was giving the places that the information was. I love the FoI act!

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