Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Skynet Again...

Having looked at the issue of Skynet before, (See here and here, and here) I thought that I would revisit the issue. You see the thing is, robot overlords are something that scares me. The point is going to come when the robots will become more intelligent than us and overthrow our time here on earth. So what are Welsh Universities doing about this?  

So I asked all the universities in Wales the same question:

Please can you tell me how much money was given to the development of artificial intelligence from 01/01/15 to 01/01/16.

Please use whatever definition of artificial intelligence you deem appropriate, but please tell me what definition you have used.

Now after having looking into the area of artificial intelligence before and being told that it was too broad, I thought that asking them to give the definition would be a clever way of getting around this (And a good way of checking against what each of them considered to be Artificial intelligence).

So what was the answer

Amount Spent on AI
Machine using cutting-edge techniques to perform or mimic
cognitive functions which are normally associated with human cognition,
such as problem solving
search-engine optimisation
machine learning and pattern recognition for healthcare and
Artificial intelligence is the
intelligence exhibited by machines. In computer science, an ideal
"intelligent" machine is a flexible rational agent that perceives its
environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of success at an
arbitrary goal
No Answer
Search the Database

Shows what Welsh Universities are doing on this.   I don't think that the Taffinator (See what I did there?) is going to emerge anytime soon. This does make me wonder why so many stories are being put about about artificial intelligence?  Why are Welsh Universities not looking into this?

It is a little disappointing that we are not looking into AI more, but then again, is it because more money is being spent on different areas?

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