Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Tower Hamlets

The FoI act is about obtaining documents and information. It is about getting the information that is held by the government and getting it to us. As can see what the government is up to and we can see what is going on, on the inside of the houses of power. It is one of the best pieces of law that has come out of Westminster for years. So why bring this up here again? Well because I found a request that I liked and it showed what the FOI can do for people.

An investigation was doing into Tower Hamlets into a data protection breech that was committed within the council and as a result the Ico was asked to investigate this matter. Well the investigation didn't go as well as could be and was stopped. As a result this has made many of the residents there unhappy.

This has been reported into many times and you can find it out on many blogs (Such as thisone) but there are times when you need to go a bit deeper. Which is where this request comes into its own. Abdul Hai is someone who lives in the Tower Hamlets area of London and has done numerous investigations into the work of the Tower Hamlets. One of the things that he looked at was the correspondence between the ICO and theTower Hamlets.

They do give a very good insight into what is happening in this investigation and some of the things that happened during the investigation. It also shows us that we can gain this and explore some of the inner depths of what has been said.


The reasons that I love this is because it helps our understanding of what is going on. The IcO dint stop the investigation. They dont have that authority. What they did is look into the processes that happened into the council and look at what is going on. As a result they just investigatied the process that happened.

This is a great example of how we can gain a better insight into what is happening on the inside of the council and other government processes. I also love that we can see what they were talking about, as well.

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