Friday, 16 September 2016

Irish Cold War Structures

A little while back I decided to find all of the Cold War structures that are in Wales. I then followed this up through numerous posts to look at other areas which may have these structures. Then  I turned my eye towards the Northern Irish coastline.  With respect to our IRish cousins, I would have thought that the UK government would have put a lot of effort into them. (and because of the problems that were out there, they would have invested heavily into this).  

So I decided that I would send a request to all councils in Northern Ireland the same question, which was:

Please can you give me a list of all cold war structures that you are aware of in your borough that were used for civil defence.

So the responses that I had were as follows:

Either the UK government did not think that civil defence was that needed in Northern Ireland or there is something else going on. A few of them did refer me to the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (Which a request has been sent), I was surprised by the lack of knowledge of this one (Compare this with the one above for Wales).

The being said, the Infinitely wise Beck Bbear got back in touch with me on this and stated:

In the context of your FOI to Newry and Mourne Council about Cold War Structures...

Be kind of interesting to see if they mention the Civil Defense Bunker in their area which was broken into in 1984 by one of their own elected Cllrs - a Mr J McAllister, who actually stole official Civil Defense papers from the bunker.  Civil Defense bunkers would be classed as 'Cold War Structures' since that was their function/purpose at the time.

If their answer is 'none' then you may want to ask them to explain why and refer back to the 1984 incident.

Which makes you wonder how many of these other things that are being hidden by these councils.

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