Thursday, 8 September 2016

Becky Bbear

Browsing through other requests you sometimes find other people and their requests.  It’s pretty interesting stuff and you can't help but wonder what the living daylights is going on. Other times you think, “WOW! Why did I think of that!.  Other times you think “Do you even know what you are saying, right now?”.  This post is about a woman who knows the law inside out and is a truly amazing commentator.

Her username is Becky Bbear.  I love reading her stuff and have learnt so much from her, it is unreal.  The way that she is able to communicate ideas and thoughts about the law is very interesting and does help everyone to understand what is going on.

One of my favourite annotations was about the definition of the “Crown”.  This annotation was from someone called “A Clark” who seems to be going down the “Freeman of the land route”.  Becky does a very good job of deconstructing what this man's request and puts it very simply that:

“The CPS does not prosecute on behalf of the Monarch personally (whoever they may be at any given time), they prosecute on behalf of the State of which the Monarch is titular Figurehead”

Pretty good, eh? Read the full request for full details.

So what about this one asking how much money the UK received from the US federal reserve?  For starters, I would not have thought that American would have needed to pay us anything (If anything they made their thoughts very clear on their ties to the UK government after the War of Independence), however there is a theory (of sorts) which says they do. Here is part of the request:

“American citizens have been in financial servitude to the British Monarch since the Treaty of 1783 and the War of Independence”

Well Becky very clearly puts him right by saying:

“The IRS is a Federal Agency and no proportion of a US Citizen's taxes is due to the UK, although the US does make some payments linked to 'rental fees' on military bases within the UK and its overseas territories. Like any Nation State, the US meets its financial obligations from its tax revenue among other sources”

Sometimes you need someone like Becky to help guide the rest of us and help inform us on what the living daylights is going on.  We need people like Becky to help us into what is going on. We need someone who helps to debunk the nonsense and help educate us into what is going on.  Becky, if you read this.  I love your annotation and love your level of knowledge.  The fact that you are an American Citizen shows a level of commitment that most British people would never hold.  Thanks for all the information. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jonathan...

    Thank you so much for your analysis of my contributions to the whatdotheyknow website, unexpected and much appreciated.

    Since you have obviously reviewed more than a few of my posts there you will have seen that many are not appreciated at all in some quarters, although surprisingly I have actually worked in collaboration with other 'Freeman' focused contributors once they came to understand my 'common sense' approach.

    I'd be happy to collaborate with you any time you felt it could be useful - feel free to mail me via my WDTK profile.

