Monday, 4 April 2016

Section 16

You know these guys really are very helpful sending in FoI request.  No matter how dopey I am they always try and help me.  They give me alternative and try to help me with what I can and cannot do.  For example, my request to the BBC for information on what they supposed to do in a cold war, turned up thousands of files. And they gave me a little guidance in how to  narrow the field down a little bit.  Great eh?  Then, in one of the many requests that I have sent, someone mentioned section 16 to me.  

Section 16 is an amazing part of the FoI act which compels government organisations HAVE to give you some advice on what you are looking for.  Isn't that amazing!  A piece of law which makes a public body have to help you in what you are looking for.   An beleive me it does help you in what you are looking for.

So many times when I have been doing this I have been asking questions that I thought were pretty good and then told to narrow the field down.  For example, self driving cars.  How good are they?  You get into them and then you press the button and away you go.  SO how about getting all the files on them?  Good idea!  Remember, though, that most government organisations are thinking three or four moves ahead of where we are. SO upon asking the question and you are told that there are over 3000 documents, they do need to tell you what to do.

It is a two edged sword too.  It helps them to help you.  It also provides you with a great way of knowing what they think.  Remember the FoI act is set up to help YOU. 

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