I’m pretty interested in the government cloud computing system. It has been heralded as a way of saving local governments millions of pounds. Now, if there is a way of making local councils spend more on the services that we enjoy, then all the better! Now, the question is why are the local governments not taking it up? This sounds like a job for FoI Man!
Before we go any further, wouldn't it be fun to find out what local councils thought about the system? Well so far, after asking all of the council in Wales, if they have invested in the G Cloud, only a few of them have. It would be great to find out what some council investigated and found out about the system? How about London Councils? What about their study? Here it is! Amazing what the FoI can do for you isn't it?
Well the first question is what has the central government done to publicise this situation. Where would be the first place to look for this? Well, it is a local council issue so may be the Department for Communities and Local Government? Since they look at all of the different issues regarding local government, then surely they would have the starting place? Actually, not correct. They did recommend me looking at the cabinet office.
So let's ask the Cabinet Office what they do to publicise the G Cloud or how they worked out the savings for different council? An interesting question and an even more interesting answer. The answer came back as resounding “not us matey”. Interesting, so how does administrate the G Cloud? Would the cabinet office know who to contact on the matter? The recommended me go to the Digital Marketplace.
And lowe, I did set forth to the Digital Marketplace to see their wares (Reminds me of Richard… Sorry that comment is for about three or four people…). And thus, i did quite rightly ask them for the information that I needed which was “Where do I send the information for FoI requests to?”. They told me to contact the Cabinet Office. Therefore I sent this
It is so frustrating! You think that the government would be able to know where to go for all of its departments. You think you see the light at the end of the tunnel, or see where to ask the things that you need to and then it disappears. You would think on something as simple as this would be easy to find. It’s like a massive game of Where’s Wally (Or Waldo if you're American).
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